Pencil your points

All wall spaces are different, so make sure you measure out your space correctly and set pencil marks where you want to position your vinyl wall art.


Place on solid surface, design face up.

Your vinyl sticker should be facing you now. Grab a squeegee, credit card or ruler and rub over the wall tattoo. You might have need to rub really hard, if you have stored your wall tattoo for a bit longer. Tip: if your wall sticker design is made up of several different parts, then cut them up with sharp scissors to separate them.


Turn your wall tattoo around, design face down

Slowly peel away the back paper of your wall sticker. If some parts are still stuck, press the back paper down again, until you can see that the parts are firmly stuck on the transfer foil. Then completely peel off the back paper.



Place and rub.

Place your vinyl sticker in the correct position on the wall and rub down firmly with the squeegee or credit card – the harder you rub, the better the wall tattoo will stick to the wall.



Peel slowly.

Now that your vinyl sticker is stuck to the wall, peel away the transfer tape slowly and carefully, holding the transfer tape at a pointed angle.

Some parts not sticking perfectly to the wall? Push back the foil and use more pressure. Once you have completely pulled off the transfer foil, wrap the squeegee in a soft cloth and rub it over the entire wall tattoo. Ta-da! Marvel at your masterpiece.